Best Holiday Joke Winner and
Your Chance to Win $100 in our Cute Dog Contest

To enter our next contest please send us cute photos of your dog to be entered to win a Wal-Mart gift-card. The third place winner gets $25, second place gets $50, and the first place winner takes home a $100 gift card!
Here are the contest rules:
To enter you must mail or email one photo of your dog to either address listed below:
Heard & Smith
Attn: Newsletter Contest
3737 Broadway St Suite 310,
San Antonio, Texas, 78209
Or email us at
Please include your contact information along with your entry so we know how to get in touch with you if you win. We will need your name, your dog’s name, your phone number or email, and your address. Entries without valid contact information will not be eligible to win. All entries must be received by close of business on February 22, 2013. One entry per person.
Each entry must have a photo submitted to enter the contest. By entering you agree that we may publish your first name, city, and state if you win. You also agree we can publish your dog’s photo in our newsletter.
Next Contest
We will pick winners from all valid entries we receive by the contest deadline. If you are the lucky winner your pet’s picture will be published in the March Heard & Smith newsletter and you will receive a gift card by mail! Next month we'll also announce a new contest.
To keep reading the February 2013 Newsletter please click here.
If you have a question about your disability case that you don’t find answered in the resources linked to above, then contact us here or give us a call at (800) 584-3700.
For more information on our attorneys, please visit Our Attorneys page.
For more information on Social Security Disability, please see:
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) FAQs
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) FAQs
Social Security Disability Links
Social Security Glossary