New H&S Contest Asks for Suggested Newsletter Topics and Winners from our Last Contest...
In March and April we had a Heard & Smith Trivia contest and we have our winners! First place goes to Janice from Columbus, TX. Second place goes to Sandra from Nichols, SC and third place goes to Jeff from Las Vegas, NV. Thank you for everyone who took the time to enter the contest. Below are the questions we asked and the answers to each:
1. Where did John Heard graduate law school?
University of Texas School of Law.
2. What
types of disability law does Heard & Smith practice?
Social Security Disability & Veterans’
Disability Benefits.
3. When is the right
time to file for Social Security Disability
benefits? As soon as you become disabled and are
no longer able to work.

For May and June we want you to send in what you want to read and learn about in our Heard & Smith Newsletters. Three topics chosen from your suggestions will be featured in our next three newsletters as articles or in the question and answer portion of our newsletter. Please submit suggestion topics and the three chosen winners will also receive one of three Wal-Mart gift cards. First place will receive $100, second will receive $50 and third place will receive $25.
Here are the contest rules: Please mail or email your suggested topics or questiosn we can write about along with your full name and address to where we can send your gift card should you win. Only one entry per person. By entering you agree that if you win we may publish your first name, city and state in our next newsletter. The deadline for entries is June 24, 2014.Heard & Smith, LLP
ATTN: Newsletter Contest
3737 Broadway, Ste 310
San Antonio, Texas 78209
Next Newsletter:
We will announce the winners of this contest along with the winning topics in our July newsletter, and also let you know what the next contest will be. Good luck!
To keep reading the June 2014 Newsletter please click here.
If you have a question about your disability case that you don’t find answered in the resources linked to above, then contact us here or give us a call at (800) 584-3700.
For more information on our attorneys, please visit Our Attorneys page.
For more information on Social Security Disability, please see:
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) FAQs
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) FAQs
Social Security Disability Links
Social Security Glossary